Desde joven me entusiasmó la posibilidad de adentrarme en los fascinantes conflictos del pensamiento humano, cautivado por la lucidez e ingeniosidad de muchos pensadores surgidas de su imaginación, algo que también vislumbré en las manifestaciones artísticas de ahí mi simultánea disposición a aproximarme al arte en sus más variadas formas. Esta propensión a penetrar en los laberintos del trabajo intelectual y creativo me estimuló a recurrir a la escritura en sus diversos géneros como modo de expresar mis ideas, opiniones, sentimientos y emociones (ensayos, novelas, poesías, teatro, artículos científicos, periodísticos y de divulgación, guiones de películas y videos, letra de canciones). Leer más
I am a philosopher, physicist and writer. From a young age, I was excited to be able to delve into the fascinating conflicts of human thought, captivated by the lucidity and ingenuity of many thinkers and by the lucid contributions arising from their imagination. I discovered something similar in many artistic manifestations, hence my simultaneous willingness to approach painting, literature, music and cinema. This propensity to penetrate the labyrinths of intellectual work, and to empathize with the originality and diversity of artistic creation, guided my professional training and my research in the field of science, and encouraged me to resort to writing in its most diverse genres , as a way to express my ideas and my impressions.
In the current stage of my life, my expectations are oriented towards different projects that I have in mind, some already in execution. Of these I highlight one in particular, which consists in the gathering of the things in which I worked to try to articulate them in a writing in which I will try to explain the reason for the enormous variety of views on each of the most diverse aspects of the In reality, points of view that in many cases have proved extremely contradictory. From a personal point of view, I will point out that this essay constitutes my modest return to everything I received from public education.